Classroom Rules & Procedures!

Establishing good classroom discipline is essential to each child’s success, confidence and well-being. Every child should feel that the classroom environment is safe and secure; free from all threats of physical or emotional harm. In addition, it is important that each child learn to develop self-discipline and good work habits, to resolve conflicts peacefully, and to think independently.
• Within the first few days, the children will learn the purpose of classroom rules and develop the idea that our classroom is a community with the common purpose of learning, growing and becoming friends. Our classroom rules will protect each student’s right to safety and respect, as well as, outline the responsibilities that each child has in maintaining class order.

Here are the rules that each child will have to follow in the classroom:

1. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
2. Always raise your hand and ask permission to do something.
3. Treat others with kindness.
4. Follow directions

• The second facet of the discipline plan includes the logical consequences that will occur when our class rules are broken. When a rule is broken here are the consequences and they come in the form of putting sticks in a pocket chart:

(Each student begins with 4 sticks each morning and a "clean slate", for each rule broken a stick will be placed in the pocket.)
One Stick Pulled = A good visual consequence and is basically a warning.  Usually 1 stick is enough to elicit better behavior from a child for the rest of the day.

2nd Sticks Pulled = "X" placed on pocket, stays until Friday, no Jackie Buck.

3rd Sticks Pulled = Loss of Recess & Note Home.

4th Sticks Pulled = Detention (served from 4:15-5:15 pm Thursdays afternoons in the Library)

We close at 6:00 pm and I am not always there when you arrive to pick up your child. There will be a Red "Stick Journal" available to you so that you can read what the behavior issue was if a stick was pulled.  It is a way for you to be able to know about and discuss what went wrong that day with your child (1st Graders have a wonderful habit of "forgetting" why they pulled a stick). It is also a way for me to keep track of general behavior issues throughout a 9 week period.  I refer to the journal at Report Card time!  A child who constantly pulls sticks, breaks class rules or receives two "X's" on a chart in a 9 week grading period will NOT receive the Citizenship Award! 

Regarding Elective classes, I have a ZERO TOLERANCE RULE! My students are to be on their best behavior when I am not with them.  Failure to do so will result in an automatic loss of TWO sticks!

Positive Reinforcers :

Positive reinforcement is a an amazing tool to reinforce good behavior and eliminate bad behavior; it builds self-esteem and inspires confidence in children.  Because I believe that it is so much more fun to use positive reinforcement, your child gets the opportunity all day long to earn it and in many differnt ways and forms!

*When I see a child displaying kind, positive, mature, friendly or helpful behavior I may give them a "Ticket".  There is no limit to how many your child can earn in a week!  The more they earn the more chances they have to see their ticket pulled for a trip to the Prize Box!  Each Friday afternoon I pull 3, 5, 7 or more tickets.  If one of your child's tickets is pulled they are headed to the Prize Box!  The kids love and look forward to this treat each Friday and it is so fun to watch them display amazing behavior all week long in order to receive the tickets!

*We also use Jackie Bucks as a positive reinforcer!  Jackie Bucks can be saved or used at the Jackie Store on Fridays!  If your child pulled 1 stick or less (we can't be perfect and aren't expected to be!) they will recieve a JB on Friday!

*Snacks/Treats: In my 1st Grade class we have lots of hands on group and individual activities.  I often "throw" treats to the kids when they are interacting in the lesson or with their peers in a positive way.  Sometimes candy is involved, other times it may be something like fruit snacks, grapes, raisins or even carrots!  More positive reinforcers...and another reason to LOVE 1st Grade! YUM!

*"Happy Notes" are sent home randomly throughout the year to let you know that your child was really displaying positive, helpful or respectful behavior.  Kids love the surprise of being picked and never know when it will happen!

*Verbal positive reinforcement: "Nothing improves a child's hearing more than praise!"  In my class your child will be showered with praise and encouragement.  Children respond so much more to encouragement than complaints! It is my goal to be able to praise your child into line! :)


Students MUST follow the school's uniform guidelines!  Khaki bottoms, Hunter green or white collared shirts, brown or black school shoes, brown or black belts if bottoms have belt loops and white tennis shoes are permitted for recess/electives only! A detaied uniform requirement list can be found in the "forms" section of my website!

We have uniform checks in the morning and frequent unannounced uniform checks by Mrs. Jackie!  Any student not adhereing to the uniform policies will recieve a demerit.  5 demerits equals detention and the loss of Citizenship Award!

Please help your child take pride in their appearance and the rules of the school!  If we look good we feel good and if we feel good then the sky is the limit!!

School Lunches:
School lunch menus are found on the school's website and on my website.  If your child purchases a school lunch your account is charged $3.  If your child does not like the lunch offerred, they may get a PB&J instead.  Baked Potato and Salad Bar are for 2rd Grade and up only.  Children may bring a lunch from home, but please do not send heat-up items.  We have 30 minutes for lunch and warming up lots of meals seriously cuts in to the children's eating time and the eating time of our staff. Thank you for your help with this! (A thermos or insulated item works great to keep items warm if needed!)

Report Cards:
Report Cards are sent home at the end of every 9 weeks.  They may be taken home for review and then must be signed and returned to me within 3 days.  This is plenty of time to show off to relatives and siblings!  Along with report cards your child has the opportunity to earn 4 special awards each 9 weeks.

The “Academic Honor Roll” is for those students who maintain an “A” average the entire grading period. 

The “Citizenship Award” is to recognize those students that have exhibited a willingness to do their best, are courteous and kind to their classmates and teachers, follow school rules and dress codes and demonstrate an outstanding attitude about school. 

"Principal's Award" is for completing all Homework assignments on time all 9 weeks!

“Perfect Attendance Award” is given to those students who have had no absences that 9 weeks. Remember, if a student is tardy 5 times, it counts as 1 absence!

Photos used under Creative Commons from Pink Sherbet Photography, woodleywonderworks, koalazymonkey, fradaveccs, Let Ideas Compete, cursedthing, Liz (, ASurroca, Liz (, dragonsinger, See-ming Lee ??? SML, Joe Shlabotnik, joyosity, Avolore, John-Morgan, Phillie Casablanca, laffy4k