
You can also find these words listed on the "Classroom Times" that is sent home every Monday in your child's Homework Folder!

We will have a 14 word list every week.  10 spelling words, 3 sight words and 1 bonus word!  Spelling Tests will be given on Mondays so that you have 7 days to prepare! 

Bonus: Winter Vacation


Photos used under Creative Commons from Pink Sherbet Photography, woodleywonderworks, koalazymonkey, fradaveccs, Let Ideas Compete, cursedthing, Liz (perspicacious.org), ASurroca, Liz (perspicacious.org), dragonsinger, See-ming Lee ??? SML, Joe Shlabotnik, joyosity, Avolore, John-Morgan, Phillie Casablanca, laffy4k